GeneralPlease no cursing. This RPG is based on a Rated G Disney movie, they didn't curse, neither should you.
Do not spam. Anywhere. This includes posting your site(s) in the cbox or any board except for the specified boards {advertising/affiliating}. It is fine to post YouTube videos etc., or pictures you have done & pictures for your characters etc., but that's the only exceptions.
Do not disrespect ANY member, staff or not. If you have a problem with a member, take it to PMs or and/or come to me {via PM}. Do NOT incorporate your problems into your role playing posts.
Only one account per person. You may have as many characters as you can keep active.
Characters & PostingNo God-moding or power-playing.
NOT incorporate your problems into your role playing posts.
Posts must be a minimum of 100 words. No one-liners or 1 word posts. There is no limit to the length of your post. There is a word count at the bottom of each post area {under Submit, etc.}, so there is no excuse for you to not reach 100 words by saying things such as "I don't have a word counter," etc.
Only 2 canons per person at this time please.
You may make original characters {not canon characters such as Simba or Kiara etc.} and bring them into the story. It IS Lion King III, after all.
Please, please, PLEASE re-read your posts to make sure there are no spelling errors if you can spot them and correct them before you submit your post. If you don't have time to re-read, at least use spell check. Also, please try to remember the differences in words such as their, they're, and there, {there she goes, they're on the way, that is their's}, and then and than {she smiled, then she spoke... one is smaller than two}. Also, please try to use commas and apostrophes where needed, such as if you are saying it's or don't or can't. Grammar is very important {the whole just of it, punctuation and spelling, etc.} So please re-read your post and keep this rule in mind.
Canons & CritiqueAs long as the profile information for a canon character is correct, & the RP sample is good, all canon request will be accepted, as the canons are important.
Each member that takes a canon will have 2-3 weeks, or 10 posts, whichever comes first, to prove they are capable of role playing a particular canon. Staff is not excused.
If another member wishes to own a canon that has already been claimed, and the claimer is said to not role play the canon good enough, the other member will have their chance to shine.
If you are the recipient of a claimed canon, you will then repeat the trial process. You must also create your own profile for the canon.
I don't want to hear any complaints about this if you have a canon taken away. Your canon will only be taken if another member is wanting that canon. ALL members with canons should receive help/advice if necessary to role play their canon better, especially if you are in a trial period.
As stated before, no one is excused. Staff must abide by these rules as well.
If you are a member here, you are urged to critique each member, even if it's just saying well done. Each canon has their own page
>here.< Please critique each person's ability on the proper canon page.
If you have any concerns about this setup, please PM me, Rose Petals, or Kivu, the co-admin. We will discuss the issues at hand & try to offer a better solution.
Avatars & SignaturesSignatures should not be more than 500 pixels in width, or 250 pixels in height.
Avatars may be up to 120 pixels in width and 160 pixels in height. Due to technical difficulties, avatars can only be 100x100 now, the regular size that proboards has set. Sorry for any inconvenience.As with your posts etc., this is a Disney-related RPG, and thus neither your avatars nor signatures should be above a G rating. No cursing, no explicit images, etc.
Though it is not technically required, it would be best if you posted your character profiles in your signature. Grab the link to your character's profile and use this code:
[url=link here]Name of character here[/url]
To make the url smaller so you can fit more into it etc., insert your real link into]>Tiny URL< and use that link instead of the long link.
More information:Make sure to notice if there is a reply with "~UPDATED~" here {it will show on the main page} to see if any rules have changed. New rules will be one size bigger and bold, and rules that are no longer active will be striked out until a new update is made for your reference.